Authors who have influenced my development (as leader, as trainer, and as a change agent)
- Bender, Peter Urs, Leadership from within, 2002 Achievement Group, Toronto.
- Blanchard, Ken, Empowerment takes more than a minute,1996 Berrett Koehler Publications, Emeryville, California
- Canfield, Jack and Wells, Harold, 100 ways to enhance self-concept in the classroom, 1976, Prentice Hall Toronto
- Covey, Stephen R, 7 habits of highly effective people, 1989, Fireside, New York
- Covey, Stephen R., the 8th habit, from effectiveness to greatness, 2004, Free Press, New York
- Covey, Stephen M., The speed of trust 2006, Free Press, New York
- DePree, Max Leadership Jazz, the art of conducting business through leadership, followership, teamwork, touch, voice, 1992, Dell New York
- Fisher, Roger and Brown, Scott, Getting together, building a relationship that gets to yes, 1988, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
- Fisher, Roger and Ury, William, Getting to yes, negotiating agreement without giving in, 1981, Penguin Books, New York
- Fullan, Michael, Leading in a culture of change, Personal action guide and workbook, 2004. John Wiley & Sons, San Francisco
- Gawain, Shakti Creative Visualization, 1978 Bantam Books, New York
- Harper, Gary, The joy of conflict resolution, transforming victims, villains and heroes in the workplace and at home, 2004, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC Canada
- Hawkins, David, power vs force, the hidden determinants of human behaviour, 2002 Hay House, California
- Hay, Louise, You can heal your life, 2004, Hay House
- Healthy Workplaces,
- Holliday, Micki Coaching, mentoring, managing, breakthrough strategies to solve performance problems and build winning teams, 2nd ed 2001, Career Press Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJ
- Johnson, Spencer, Who moved my cheese, an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life, 1998 GP Putnam Sons, New York
- Kouzes, James, and Posner, Barry The leadership challenge – how to get extraordinary things done in organizations 1987, Jossey Bass
- Kroeger, Otto and Thuese, Janet, and Rutledge, Hile, Type talk at work, how the 16 personality types determine your success on the job. 2002, Dell, New York
- LeBoeuf, Michael, Imagineering, how to profit from your creative powers 1976, Berkley Books New York
- Mate, Gabor, When the body says no, the cost of hidden stress, 2012,Vintage Canada, Toronto
- McIvor, Olivia The business of kindness, creating work environments where people thrive, 2006 Fair Winds Press, Lions Bay, BC
- Miller, Alice Breaking down the walls of silence, the liberating experience of facing painful truth 1991, Dutton Books, New York
- Nieto, Sonia Affirming Diversity the socio political context of multicultural education, 1992, Longman Group, White Plains New York
- Peck, M Scott, the Different Drum, community making and peace, 1987, Simon & Shuster, New York
- Peck, M Scott The road less travelled, 1978 Touchstone Book, New York
- Peters, Thomas, Thriving on Chaos Handbook for a management revolution, 1987, Harper Collins, New York
- Peters, Thomas, Waterman, Robert H In search of excellence, lessons from America’s best run companies, 1982, Warner Books New York
- Satir, Virginia, Peoplemaking, 1972, Science and Behaviour Books, Palo Alto California
- Schutz, Will The Human Element, productivity, self esteem and the bottom line, 2008, the Schutz Company, White Plains, New York
- Secretan, Lance, Inspire, what great leaders do, 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey
- Seligman, Martin E P, the optimistic child, a proven program to safeguard children agains depression and build lifelong resilience, , 1995, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
- Senge, Peter, the Fifth Discipline, The art and practice of the Learning Organization 1990, Doubleday New York
- Senge, Peter, The fifth discipline, fieldbook, Strategies and tools for building a learning organization, 1994, Doubleday, New York
- Stone, Douglas, Patton, Bruce, Heen, Sheila Difficult Conversations, how to discuss what matters most,2000 Penguin Books, New York
- Tannen, Deborah, That’s not what I meant, how conversational style makes or breaks relationships 1986, Ballantyne Books, New York
- Thomas, David C and Inkson, Kerr, Cultural Intelligence, people skills for global business. 2004, Berrett-Koehler Productions, San Francisco
- Tillich, Paul, The courage to be 1971, Fontana Library, London, UK
- Tolle, Eckhart A new earth, awakening to your life’s purpose, 2006, Plume Book, New York